Perhaps I'll change this blog's name to "The Grand Grocery Company," and use this on my front page. Or maybe not. :)
I should have saved this for April Fool's Day.
Picture from the Library of Congress's Flickr project:
There -- that's probably enough credits for a copyright-free photo held by the Federal government. :)
FWIW, I've put up a page with Durham restaurants that have wireless net.access for their patrons. I imagine it will constantly be an imperfect work in progress. I can't decide yet whether I want it to be anyplace with wireless, or anywhere I've actually been and confirmed that there's wireless. But if someone wants to write me and tell me about places that have wireless, maybe I'll put them up, or maybe I won't. :)
While I was doing that, I set up a separate chunk in the sidebar for all my "pages," as opposed to "posts." I forgot about an automatic feature TypePad has for that, so I did it twice, and threw the first one away. :) And while I was doing that, I had to reconfigure the sidebar anyway, and while I was doing THAT, I moved the sidebar to the other side, which will make pages seem to load faster. And I imagine while I was doing all of THAT, I could have easily screwed something up, so let me know if I did, ok?
Numerous sources have told me Food & Wine Magazine has a poll on the front page of their wiki, asking "Tell us the names of the smaller cities and towns where you most love to eat—the destinations that deserve a place of honor on our food map!" Durham is currently in the running, although I imagine you can nominate wherever you like. I don't have to tell you what to do, right? :) To vote, you don't have to sign up, but if you do, you can add stuff to their Durham, N.C. entry, which needs some work—right now it has as many entries for barbecue restaurants as it does for fine dining destinations. C'mon, I don't have to do everything, do I? ;)
(Web.geeks.note: If you already have a LiveJournal account, or otherwise use OpenID, you can use it to sign up for the above service.)
Ya wanna know something even odder than Honey's having Wi-Fi? McDonald's having it too.
Today's check of my referrer logs yielded a hit on Eat at Joe's! via this search: how to kill someone with a bacon sandwich.
Hey, now I have someplace to, um, put my polls. :)
Several months ago when Fowler's closed, it seemed like we really took a hit on Downtown area brunch. But with Piedmont, Rue Cler, and Alivia's all serving brunch now, things have improved. Lots of places are doing Saturday brunch too (Verde does only Saturday brunch, which seems a little odd). Federal has been doing brunch for a while. And there are a number of old favorites still around outside the downtown area, like Vin Rouge and Elmo's.
So I think it's time for another Vizu poll, which you should be seeing in the sidebar at left. I'm asking that you exclude places that only have buffet. If they have buffet and to-order food, great. I've thrown in a few outliers like IHOP and Hong Kong. I don't care if they serve breakfasty items all the time (like Eno River Eatery), but I generally do want them to serve them -- on Sunday morning. Saturday is a plus, but not when they're not open Sunday. I know I've left out places like Brigs, the Washington Duke Inn, Bojangles', etc., but I can only have 10 choices, so if your favorite isn't on here, please pick "other." I've excepted buffets because, well, the food is not generally as good as to-order food (I understand -- sometimes going to an all-you-can-eat place and eating five pounds of bacon is good. Still...). You can also pick up to three. Please express any lacunae in the comments.
Go knock yourselves out.
BTW, the barbecue poll is still available. Since TypePad now lets me do independent pages, maybe I'll make a poll page and archive all my polls there. But one thing at the time. :)
Edit: couldn't get this poll to show up under MSIE. Ugh. If it doesn't work for you, try another browser -- it works fine under Firefox.
Not sure what to name your next creation? Our French correspondent, code-named "Jásôn," sent us this helpful cheat: The Froo Froo Menu Generator. So the next time you can't figure out what to call your basil-scented haddock with its tarragon-chanterelle coulis, you'll know where to go.
James Beard and Julia Child on MySpace (psst -- I don't really think it's them: James Beard would never be plugging vegan recipes, and Julia would know how to spell "Santa Barbara").
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