Pompieri Pizza is now open for business. They've been moved into the "Newly Open" section in the sidebar. Go check it out.
Interesting tidbit: they make their own tonic for bar drinks. :)
it is amazing how much pizza Durham can eat
I also noticed a micro pizzaria inside of the new harris Teeter on Ninth st, they seemed to copy the Wholefoods pizzaria
Posted by: Fritz | 09 January 2014 at 12:34 PM
Fritz! Yep -- 3 pizzerias within the loop when Pizzeria Toro gets back into operation. It is amazing how much pizza Durham can eat. It's amazing how much pizza *I* can eat. ;)
Posted by: Joe Eater | 09 January 2014 at 07:38 PM
One thing about Pizza in Durham that has driven me crazy though...
When Cinellis was next to Whole Foods they made a great Sicilian pizza, then they moved into the new building and subsequently
sold out to another restaurant who discontinued the Sicilian, this has irritated me to no end since no one else seems to know quite how to make one, they do offer a Grandma pizza which is not bad...but I want Chee-Chilly-ano
Posted by: Fritz | 10 January 2014 at 09:29 AM
Hey Joe,
I saw in your About section that it's easier to reach you via comments than email, so I wanted to drop you a comment and let you know that I sent you an email :)
Look forward to hopefully sitting down and talking soon!
Posted by: David Shaner | 05 February 2014 at 10:12 PM