A personal note:
I'd like to apologize to you, my wonderful population of Gentle Readers, especially you Gentle Correspondents who've written me over the past several months. Not only has my posting dwindled off, but also my inbox is up to over 140 messages (not counting the spam the filters didn't catch). Some of that has been, er, unmolested since last summer. All I can say: four residences and two broken computers over eighteen months or so is a lot to put up with. I've also been without internet access for part of that time -- indeed, without a job for maybe half of it. My bad.
But the news is good: the trends are up, good things are happening all over the place, and most of the above are fixed. I've been able to post more lately, and hope to be working on the backlog of e-mail that's accumulated. I hope I'll be able to post even more, and maybe even expand my coverage to some of Chapel Hill. I hope you folks can once again enjoy reading my blog, and I can get back to the enjoyable task of writing it. Maybe I'll even sneak a review in here somewhere.
Laissez les bons temps rouler. ;) And enjoy your 4th of July weekend.
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