need non-food item. think "supermarket." wait several days.
get in crappy, nondescript car, choose supermarket. drive 2+ miles, passing at least 2 closer groceries. park outside non-grocery. walk through non-grocery, seeing about 5 examples of item, plus number of foodstuffs. resist all. leave non-grocery.
enter supermarket. walk through, resisting items not of reason for trip. locate area for items. choose cheapest per-unit price for item meeting criteria: 1 2-pack for $2. walk through more of supermarket. resist. resist cheap beer. go to register. present item.
"Um, the tag says $2." present discount card.
"Yeah, it doesn't matter."
"Take it off, please?" and let next customer check out. return to shelf. inspect item, shelf, and price tag. correct tag definitely says $2. date on tag says July something. inspect other sale tags. some say as early as May. realize reason for date is not clear. go to customer service. "Hi, this item rings up for too much."
"Yeah, it says $3.72." Register repeats $3.72.
"Do you want to see the shelf tag?"
"Yeah." walk to shelf tag.
"See? $2."
return to customer service. item is marked down.
no offer of free or discounted item. "Uh, that's not right either."
"I'm sorry." additional markdown subtracted. "$2.18." aside to other customer service person: "Can you go over to [area of store]? A bunch are wrong."
give up on remaining money due; pay $2.20. get 2¢ change. wonder why didn't drive 6 miles down highway to über-evil not-necessarily-food Ninja-death-chain of death. or why didn't go in back yard and make substitute item from handy tree.
[thank End :( Happy for use of quotation.]
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