I realize I haven't been posting much lately. However, this weblog currently is getting a surprising number of hits. Apparently, if you want a lot of hits, one way to do it is to post restaurant reviews.
I actually have a couple more restaurants from CA for which I'd like to post reviews, but I'm going out of town again for several days. I also need to figure out how to make the reviews more meaty than just "I liked it" or "that tasted great" or "the service sucked." Any suggestions? There are a number of standard things I could do, like list price, note ambience, or whatever. The thing I'm most interested in is how to convey how the food tastes via words, which I think is non-trivial. What is good food, anyway? :)
You need to write about The Melting Pot! Cheeeessssee.......... :D
Posted by: Kira | 30 April 2004 at 04:43 AM
At some point, I made a decision that I didn't want to review chain restaurants. Maybe I'll change my mind. Or maybe I can review a cheese restaurant on another planet....
Posted by: Joe | 30 April 2004 at 10:17 AM
Or you could just review cheese (purchased in groceries or cheese shops or wherever). Or cheese dishes from restaurants. Are there any places around here that do a decent queso fundido?
Posted by: georg | 30 April 2004 at 11:19 AM
Hey, just talking about cheese works for me! Why not review that gigantic bag of cheese you bought for me a few weeks ago??? That'll work! Mmmmm...I just have a little manchego left and...A FUCKING LOAD OF PARM-REG! God almighty. If there is a parmesan shortage, it's due to Joe buying ALL of it and gifting it to me.
Posted by: Kira | 02 May 2004 at 09:40 PM
Kira sounds like she's mad that I bought her so much cheese. So should I stop buying it for her, or buy her more to try and make up with her? :)
Posted by: Joe | 15 May 2004 at 12:55 PM
I vote for buy more and make up for it with her :D
I suggest a lot of camembert...just got into that stuff recently! Mmmmmm camembert....
Posted by: Kira | 04 June 2004 at 08:39 PM
Check us out, we do exist!!!!
Posted by: another Joe | 03 September 2006 at 03:24 PM